Friday, November 26, 2010

How To Seduce Women Guide

So you want to learn how to
seduce women now.
Well the good news is.
It's not as hard as you think!
The secret to seduction is that
the best sex organ for humans is
not the one that you think
about. Nope. It's not the one
that makes a guy a guy and a
girl a girl. Instead, it's the thing
that you would never have
realize had I not told you.
So what is the best sex organ?
It is her mind.
Once you can get inside her
head, you will be able to attract
and seduce her.
It really is that simple.
The hard bit is getting inside her
Now how do you go about doing
Well for men, this may sound a
bit weird, but you need to move
the focus away from her body
and turn it into her mind and
In order to seduce women, you
need to know how to build
strong lasting and engaging
rapport on a level so deep that
she is wiling to give herself to
That means you need to talk and
communicate to her a way that
makes her feel closer to you. But
you need to do so in a way that
makes her perceive that your
qualities will compliment her!
Eg. If you are a sophisticated and
very classy, but you are seducing
a young woman who is very out
there and seems uncultured, you
slowly bring her into your world
of high class culture. Don't do so
in a way that will make her feel
alienated though. You need to
calibrate the situation and look
at it from her angle.
Notice what I am telling you
about seduction has nothing to
do with money or looks. That is
irrelevant, I mean having that
does help but it is not as good as
having the personality that she
wants and desires. That is what is
really seductive because that is
what she is going to think about
in her mind !
Remember, I said seduction is in
the mind not the body!
Seduction is a game in the mind.
You just need to know how the
game works.
Once you do, you can use your
own personality traits to your
own advantage to make yourself
a natural seducer!
But you need to understand,
that you also need to display
other personality traits that will
naturally attract her so that her
mind will believe your qualities
do in fact compliment her. Some
of the traits you need to have
being alpha
being decisive
not being petty
being funny
being playful
being dominant but not
I want to stress that none of the
elements mentioned have
anything to do with looks and
money! This is so important.
Remember, seduction is in the
Not body.

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