Wednesday, December 15, 2010

First Fast Five trailer arrives,features car Men drive cars! Men crashcars! It’s the first trailer forthe forthcoming Fast Five...

Critics hate them, and they're
the kind of movies you can't,
apparently, really openly admit
to liking. It's The Fast And The
Furious series, and whether
you're a particular fan of their
mixture of speeding cars and
macho posturing or not, they
keep making money, so
Hollywood keeps on rolling them
off the production line.
Fast Five, which once again stars
Vin Diesel and Paul Walker as
the petrol heads always on the
wrong side of the law, looks like
the most over the top series
entry yet. We tried to count the
number of wrecked cars that
appear in the first trailer, but got
bored after three and then went
and did some washing up.
Note, too, that among the
crashing vehicles and repeated
shots of ladies' posteriors, Paul
Walker is never given the
opportunity to speak. Given the
rich mahogany performances he
turned in for the earlier movies,
that's perhaps a good thing.
Admittedly, I'm a closet fan of
the Fast series. They're daft and
badly written, but they at least
give me the opportunity to do a
bit of car spotting. "Oh, look.
That's a Ford GT, and that's a
Mustang," and so forth.
The promo made its debut on
Vin Diesel's Facebook page (he
has 30 million friends, followers,
or acolytes, we're told), where
the actor promised "more action
than you've ever seen in a Fast
And Furious movie" in an
enthusiastic introduction. Oh,
and be warned: the trailer also
contains gratuitous scenes of
Dwayne Johnson, who sports
some quite extraordinary facial
Fast Five is due out next April.

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