Friday, November 26, 2010

All Men are all about sex and women all about relationships?

The only reason why it seems
that way is because of society,
media, advertising, etc. Women
are just as sexual as men. Look
at all the half-naked women on
advertising everywhere. Where
are the half-naked men? I wish
men had more opportunities to
compare their pitiful bodies to
those on display everywhere.
And then I'd like to see them
feel confident and secure when
taking a woman to the bedroom.
The problems arise when outside
influences dictate what male and
female relationships should be. If
men were expected to look
great, cook and clean well, get
pregnant, care for children and
household all while having a job
outside the home, we would
have a different world. Men
often think it is enough to have a
job and be an occasional human
ATM --that's it. I wish it were
that easy for women. Women
are judged so harshly, not only
by men, but by some stupid
women too. It makes me sick! I
wish I could just have a high-
paying job (and even in the
workplace men are overpaid for
doing the same work) and just
come home or go out and play
golf or behave like an idiot and
throw a little money around at
the family. Then they watch TV
or porn and crap like that --
total fantasy world -- and think
their wives or girlfriends should
behave the same. MEN NEED TO
GROW UP! Look at yourselves in
the mirror! You guys are
overweight, balding or bald,
smell of cigarretes and alcohol,
talk like adolescent morons and
you expect what? A perfect 10?
Well, then go ahead and pay for
one! If you want sex only, take
care of yourself, or pay someone
to do it. If you want a
relationship work on yourself
otherwise, forget it!

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