Sunday, November 28, 2010

Keeping the Home Fires Right with Proper Fireplace Maintenance

There's nothing like a roaring fire
to give your living room or family
room that warm, cozy feeling -
as long as the fire is confined to
its place. Without proper
fireplace maintenance or wood
burning stove care, you run the
risk of a house fire and the
danger increases with each
additional use. Scared? You have
every right to be.
Unbeknownst to a lot of people,
the Provincial Fire Code
(Canada) states that all wood
burning appliances be evaluated
every year and cleaned as often
as needed. Okay, simple right?
Only who do you get to do these
things and how do you know
when you need to get your
"appliance" checked? The
person to call for proper
fireplace maintenance is a
chimney sweep.
If the first image you conjure up
is of Dick Van Dyke's character
in Mary Poppins, you might be a
little surprised. Modern chimney
sweeps are trained professionals
who will check and clean the
smoke chamber, lining,
brickwork and anything else that
might pose a possible fire hazard
in your chimney.

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